Asked by: Lola Steinecker
Asked in category: pets, fish and aquariums, pets, fish and aquariums
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What kind of diet do pill bugs have?

Diet. Pillbugs can be described as detritivores. They eat decaying material. This consists mainly of plant matter. They eat a lot rotting vegetables, wood, and decaying leaves.

It is also important to know what food the pill bugs prefer.

Pill Bug Diet. Pill bugs are sometimes called roly-pollies. They eat plant matter that is either dead or decaying. They prefer soft decaying plants such as grasses and leaves. However, they will eat mulch used for landscaping around their house.

What do pill bugs do? Pillbugs are nocturnal Isopods. They can be found under fallen leaves, rocks, logs, and in humid, dark places during the day. They are terrestrial crustaceans and live their whole lives on the ground. Pillbugs eat mostly decaying plant leaves and other materials.

What type of food does an isopod eat?

Land isopods can be herbivores or scavengers and are omnivores. The mouthparts are used for chewing. Common food includes decaying plant material such as rotting wood and fungi. If the plants are not too tender, they may chew on them.

Are pill bugs dangerous?

These pests are considered nuisances by most homeowners. Pill bugs don't bite, sting or carry any dangerous diseases. They are not harmful to household items and do not deposit eggs indoors. They can damage the roots of plants if they are fed.