Asked by: Alix Antram
Asked in category: books and literature, biographies
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

What is the meaning of sweat?

Delia works hard every week to wash clothes for white people in Winter Park, which is the inspiration for the title of the story. Because he doesn't work, the sweat of her brow has earned enough money for her to buy her house and pay her husband.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "What does the title sweat signify?"

There are many reasons why title is important. Its most obvious meaning is that it refers both to Delia's hard work and Sykes' refusal to contribute to the household.

Who wrote the short story sweat, other than those mentioned above? Zora Neale Hurston

Similar to Sweat, where does the story end?

Sykes purchases a snake to terrorize Delia and make it fearful to live in their home. This home is one that Sykes has worked hard for. The snake kills Sykes, freeing Delia and ending her poisonous marriage.

What is the main theme of the story sweat by Zora Nale Hurston?

aSweata is the story of a domestically abused and religiously devout nundress and her husband, an adulterous, unfaithful husband. Although the dominant theme of the story is evil versus good, it also includes themes about hard work versus lazyness and fate.