Asked by: Violette Dueñas
Asked in category: science, geology
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

What is the significance of transitional fossils?

Transitional fossils are a remnant of an organism that was between the current species and a previously known species. Transitional fossils could be evidence of evolution, as they would contain intermediate forms of the species and would accumulate adaptations slowly.

You might also wonder what a transitional fossil is and why they are important.

Any fossilized remains of a transitional fossil are fossilized remains that have traits shared with both the ancestral and descendant groups. This is particularly important if the descendant group differs in gross anatomy and living style from the ancestral group.

Also, learn what transitional fossils can tell you. Transitional forms are organisms or fossils that can show intermediate states between an ancestral and its descendants. The fossil record contains many examples of transitional forms, which provide ample evidence of change over time.

Keep this in mind, why is it important to have transitional species?

According to the theory, organisms gradually change from one form to another. Transitional fossils must be found that can support this theory. These fossils are important in supporting Darwinian evolution.

Quiz: Why are transitional fossils so important?

The closer two organisms are, they will have a more similar DNA. They are no longer functional, but they are carried with functional DNA.