Asked by: Josephine Kleinedopke
Asked in category: books and literature, fiction
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

How intelligent was Chris McCandless?

Chris McCandless was clearly an intelligent person. He was highly educated in terms of academic accomplishments. McCandless was a man of immense knowledge, but he was still unable to make a decision on his own survival in Alaska's wilds.

This being said, how courageous was Chris McCandless?

McCandless is an independent man with high hopes. He is also a person with high expectations. His courage is displayed by his willingness to go alone, even though he was close to death. He went out to eat.

The question then becomes, "How does Westerberg describe Chris?" He spoke highly of Chris in ways that would appeal to many readers. Chris was honest, hardworking, trustworthy, didn't use women and was approachable. Because Westerberg's descriptions aren't perfect nor saintly, they make Chris seem convincing. Chris was self-willed and didn't get discouraged.

What did Alaskans think about Chris McCandless, other than the above?

McCandless's hero. Critics accuse Krakauer of bringing in the pilgrims, and romanticize the story. "He was unprepared and glorified in his death," writes Dermot Cole, columnist at Fairbanks Daily News-Miner.

McCandless is selfish?

Unfortunately, Christopher McCandless was too selfish to realize this. Instead, he chose to suffer for his family what I can only imagine was two years of misery without even a whisper of his whereabouts. Christopher McCandless doesn't fit this description.