Asked by: Singh Konnecker
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

My heater is making a lot of noise.

A clanging sound or knocking sound that occurs when the furnace starts is likely due to expansion and contraction. Metal housings, vents and pipes make banging or clanging sounds as they heat up and cool off.

Why does my furnace make such a loud sound when it turns on?

Dirty furnace burners. Gas will build up in your furnace, which causes a small explosion and loud banging sound when it finally ignites.

Why is my heater making high pitched sounds? If you hear a loud squeal or whine coming from your furnace, it could be due to the bearings in your blower motor. Overheating and an unbalanced furnace blower wheel can lead to premature bearing failure.

Why is my heater clicking?

Most likely, your furnace is making clicking sounds due to the spark igniter trying ignite the pilot light/burners. An intermittent clicking is a sign of a system malfunction or failure. This is particularly problematic if you don't get heat during the cold winter months.

My furnace will explode

It is possible for gas furnaces to catch fire or explode but it is highly unlikely. The furnace will shut down if there's a risk of it happening. You won't need to worry about fires or explosions if you have a furnace that works well.