Asked by: Lyle De Nava
Asked in category: technology and computing, web hosting
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

Is Drupal easy to learn?

Drupal is easy to use but can be difficult to master. Drupal requires more technical knowledge than WordPress but can produce more complex sites. WordPress is easy to learn if you don't have much knowledge in website development.

So, how long does Drupal take to learn?

You can learn Drupal slowly by dedicating only 15-30 minutes each day. It also offers another benefit. A lot of research has been done on how long it takes for a habit to form. Some estimates range from 21 to 30 days, while others are as high as 66 days.

Is Drupal a programming language? To build a Drupal website, you don’t need to have any coding experience. You don't need to have coding experience to modify features that already exist, or build new features that are not available in the form modules. There are thousands of modules available in the store.

You might also wonder, "Where can I learn Drupal?"

Sooperthemes compiled a list of some of the most helpful websites that offer high-quality and up-to date Drupal tutorials.

  • BuildAModule Tutorials (Free and Premium)
  • OSTraining (Free Tutorials and Premium Tutorials).
  • Drupalize (Free and Premium Tutorials).
  • Webwash.
  • Lynda.
  • Drupal Up.

Drupal is so complex.

Drupal's module ecosystem is what makes it so complex. Drupal is often referred to by developers as "powerful" or a "framework", which makes me think of Inigo Monoya. While this is Drupal’s strength, it also means that Drupal has a large number of modules with multiple layers of dependency.