Asked by: Abdelmajid Macarthur
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, beekeeping
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What are the best flowers for bees and butterflies?

  1. Alliums and Chives. The Allium family includes chives, which are very popular with butterflies and bees.
  2. Sedum.
  3. Common name of Geranium: Cranesbill
  4. Buddleia common name Butterfly Bush.
  5. Perovskia common name Russian Sage.
  6. Monarda common name Bee Balm.
  7. Cotoneaster.
  8. Herb Oregano

Keep this in mind: Are bees and butterflies attracted by the same flowers?

Both bees and butterflies love daisy-shaped blooms, which are a large group called composites.

Second, which flowers attract bees butterflies or hummingbirds. We created a list of our favorite flowers to attract bees and butterflies as they are vital to the ecosystem.

Hummingbirds love to be attracted to

  • Bird of Paradise.
  • Chinese Bell Flowers
  • Columbine.
  • Fuchsia.
  • Yellow Trumpet Bush

Another question is: What flower attracts bees best?

The most bees will prefer flat or shallow blooms like Queen Anne's Lace, zinnias and asters. The mint family includes nepeta and salvia as well as mint, mint, mint, and lavender. Long-tongued bees are attracted to these plants.

What are the most favorite flowers of butterflies?

Butterfly Garden Flowers

  • Phlox. Phlox is a spreading, low-growing plant that blooms in summer.
  • Coneflower (Echinacea). Coneflower is a great flower for attracting butterflies.
  • Lantana.
  • Bluestar (Amsonia hubrichtii)