Asked by: Wilhelmine Boenechea
Asked in category: home and garden, home improvement
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What is the cost of building a Florida room?

Additional Room Costs Per Square Foot
Square Footage of Average Total Price
400 $32,000-$80,000
500 $40,000-$100,000
600 $48,000-$120,000
1,000 $80,000-$200,000

People also ask: How much does it cost to build a Florida-style room?

Sunroom Prices Per Square Foot and Type

Type Material prices Labor Cost
Four Seasons Room $15,000 - $55,000 $7,000 - $20,000
Three-Season room $5,000 - $30,000 $4,000 - $10,000
Glass Solarium $20,000 - $50,000 $10,000 - $25,000
Conservatories $8,000 - $60,000 $2,000 - $20,000

What is the cost of building a 12x12 room in your home? An average room or addition to a house costs $86 to $208 per sq. foot. Most homeowners spend between $22,500 and $74,000. A 20x20 family room can be added for $48,000, and a 12x12 bed will cost around $17,300. A bathroom remodel costs $18,000.

How much does a Florida room addition cost?

On average, home addition costs range from $85 to $125 per sq. foot for a simple family room addition. This is dependent on the upgrades. A room addition can be costly.

Do you think it is more cost-effective to add on than to build?

HomeAdvisor estimates that the average cost of adding a building to your home is $80 to $200 per square feet, regardless of whether you are building it up or down. It is more expensive to build up, but that's only the construction cost. Prices will vary depending on what the contractor needs to do.