Asked by: Zhaneta Pantelakos
Asked in category: family and relationships, special needs kids
Last Updated: 2nd Jul 2024

What is sensory integration theory?

Sensory Integration was a theory that A. Ayres (1972), developed over 20 years ago. It is defined as "the neurological process that organizes the sensations from one's body and the environment and makes them possible to use the body effectively in the environment" (p.

What is sensory integration in this context?

Sensitivity integration A term used to describe brain processes that allow us to use the information we get from our 5 senses and organize it to respond appropriately.

What are sensory integration activities? Vestibular Sensory Integr Activities The vestibular system of the inner ear is stimulated by most movement activities. This helps the body know where it is going and how fast. All vestibular sensory integration activities are good, including trampolines, rocking horses and swings, roundabouts, or slides.

It is also important to understand the 3 levels in sensory integration.

Sensory Integration focuses on three fundamental senses: vestibular, atactile, and proprioceptive. These interconnections are formed before birth and continue to grow as the person matures and interacts more with their environment.

What is the importance of sensory integration?

It is possible to use all the information we have from our senses together in order to be able participate in daily activities. We can integrate, or combine all of the information from our senses to make sense of the world around and be able to move through it and interact with it.