Asked by: Lis Jeevan
Asked in category: medical health, medical tests
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What is Saag liver?

The Serum Ascites Albumin Gradient, (SAAG), Defines portal hypertension in patients suffering from ascites. Why Use. Portal hypertension is a condition that affects patients with a history of liver disease. Portal hypertension can be diagnosed by measuring serum ascites albumin (SAAG).

Similar, what is Saag?

Serum ascites Albumin Gradient

You may also be asked how to read Saag. SAAG = (Serum Albumin) a (Ascitic Fluid Albumin). A high SAAG (>1.1g/dL), suggests that the ascitic liquid is a transudate. An exudate is indicated by a low SAAG (1.1g/dL).

You might also wonder, "Why is Saag so high in portal hypertension?"

The SAAG is a measure of sinusoidal pressure6. A SAAG aY=1.1g/dL (high SAAG) indicates portal hypertension. A sinusoidal or postinusoidal source of ascites almost always causes high SAAG ascites.

What causes fluid around liver?

Most often, ascites is caused by liver scarring (also known as cirrhosis). Scarring can increase pressure in the liver's vessels. Ascites can occur when fluid is forced into the abdominal cavity by increased pressure.