Asked by: Anselma Paz
Asked in category: education, language learning, education, language learning
Last Updated: 28th Jun 2024

What is incoming money from taxes called?

revenue. Incoming money from taxes and other sources. colony. A country or an area that is under the full or partial control of another country. resolution.

Afterwards, one might also wonder: What are three ways colonists protested tax laws passed in parliament?

Name three ways colonists protested the tax law passed in Parliament. Boycotted British Items, Smuggled Goods and Burned effigies. What kind of propaganda was used to report on the Boston Massacre?

What is a refusal of buying items to express disapproval? Boycott. A refusal by to purchase items to express disapproval . Rebellion.

What was the dramatic act defiance?

This Set includes 15 cards

Twenty colonists were killed in the Boston Massacre. False
Some colonists celebrated the dramatic act defiance known as "The Affront" Boston Tea Party
The colonial name of laws that prohibited town meetings in Massachusetts was The Intolerable Acts
Participate in the Boston Tea Party Samuel Adams

What is the name of a group consisting of citizens soldiers who arm themselves?

Question: A group of citizen soldiers who arm themselves , is called an militia.