Asked by: Geovanny Mercurio
Asked in category: personal finance, student financial aid, personal finance, student financial aid
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

What is Air Force NCOA?

Noncommissioned Officer Academy ( NCOA ) is the second level in enlisted PME. It prepares technical sergeants who are professional, war-fighting Airmen and can manage and lead Air Force unit employing airpower.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "Where is the Air Force NCO Academy?"

The Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy is the third level of enlisted personnel management education. AFSNCOA trains senior NCOs for leadership of the enlisted force and the use of airpower to support US national security goals. Maxwell AFBaGunter Annex has a single resident AFSNCOA.

Also, find out what a senior NCO is in the Air Force. The United States Air Force has E-5 (staff sergeant), E-6 (technical Sergeant) classified under the NCO Tier. E-7 (master sergeant), E-8(senior Master Sergeant), and E-9 are senior non-commissioned officers (SNCOs).

Keep this in mind, how many CCAF credit do you need to NCOA?

Desired Outcomes. Graduates are granted 5 semester hours of college credit by the College of the Air Force, Leadership and Management II.

How long does it take to become an Air Force?

Airman Leadership School. The 24-day leadership program, ALS, is for enlisted Air Force men who want to make a career in the military. ALS is an entry level part of what the military refers to as Professional Military Education (PME).