Asked by: Xuewei Tarongi
Asked in category: home and garden, home improvement, home and garden, home improvement
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

How is Home Depot organized?

The most distinctive feature of Home Depot's organizational structure is its geographic divisions. One geographic division is for the U.S., one for Canada and one for Mexico. The U.S. Stores division is headed by an Executive Vice President, while each division is headed by a President.

What type of organization is Home Depot?

The Home Depot

The Home Depot corporate headquarters is outside Atlanta
Traded as NYSE: HD DJIA component S&P 100 component S&P 500 component
ISIN US4370761029
Industry Retail
Founded 1978 Marietta, Georgia, U.S.

Why is Home Depot orange? Home Depot's orange color is a result of early signage made from discarded circus tents.

Is Home Depot losing money?

Menear stated that thieves recently stole $16.5million worth of goods from a warehouse that was shared by multiple retailers. This resulted in a loss for Home Depot of $1.4million. According to the Society of Actuaries, the opioid crisis has cost the U.S. $631 billion between 2015 and 2018.

Which states is Home Depot located?

The total number of Home Depot shops in the United States was 1,981 as of 2019. Home Depot also has stores in Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

U.S. states have the most Home Depot shops in 2018.

State Number of stores
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