Asked by: Wenxin Majoral
Asked in category: science, space and astronomy
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

What is FAO in NASA

FIDO is a Flight Dynamics Officer, responsible for the flight path of the vehicle. GUIDANCE is a Guidance Officer (monitored and onboard navigational software and onboard guidance computer program). FAO is a Flight Activities Officer (checklists. procedures. NETWORK is a network (supervised ground station communications).

People often ask what Fido means at NASA.

FDO (Flight dynamics officer) Responsible for the flight path and control of the spacecraft's orbital and atmospheric flights. The lunar trajectory was also managed by the FDO during lunar missions.

The next question is: What does NASA say to the public before takeoff? NASA uses the terms "Lminus" and "Tminus" to describe the preparations for and anticipation of a launch . For events that involve spacecraft already in orbit, the "T" could be for "Test" or even "Time" and the "E", for "Encounter", such as with a comet.

What are NASA workers called, other than this?

NASA is not just about astronauts. NASA is more than just astronauts. We include scientists, engineers and IT specialists, human resource specialists, accountants, writers, technicians, and many other types of people who work together to overcome barriers to accomplish the seemingly impossible.

Who supports NASA?

History of NASA's Annual Budget (millions of US Dollars)

Calendar Year NASA budget
Nominal dollars (Millions). 2014 Constant Dollars (Millions).
2018 20,736 19,540
2019 21,500 19,909
2020 22,629 20,847