Asked by: Vandana Havergoh
Asked in category: personal finance, personal taxes
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

What is a non-qualifying corporate bond?

A QCB is a security that protects an underlying debt and has always represented an anormal commercial loana. It has been expressed in sterling but does not include a provision for conversion into or redemption in any other currency. Unsurprisingly, a non-QCB debt security does not meet these criteria.

Are qualifying corporate bonds taxable in this context?

Qualifying corporate bonds (QCB) Debt securities exempted from tax on chargeable profits so their disposal doesn't give rise to any chargeable profit or loss for capital gains tax purposes, except for any gain that was carried over from the acquisition of QCBs in return for shares.

Secondly, do loan notes qualify for Entrepreneurs Relief? Entrepreneurs' Relief is not available for loan notes only. This is because it may not be possible to pay CGT at time of disposal ( Qualifying for Entrepreneurs Relief ), even though the loan note cannot be redeemed until a later period. The loan notes could be unsecured.

Are corporate bonds also subject to CGT

Capital gains above this amount are subject to income tax at a rate dependent on your total income. Capital gains are exempted for individual government bonds and qualifying corporate bonds, but not bond funds.

What is a qualified corporate bond?

QCB is an acronym for a qualifying corporate bond. A QCB stands for a qualified corporate bonda. It is a security for an underlying loan that has always represented an anormal commercial loana. It has been expressed in sterling, and has no provision for its conversion or redemption in any other currency.