Asked by: Iliyas Arasanz
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 7th May 2024

What is a 304-stone?

# 354 Limestone (#4 and #10 combined)
Solid stone in Whitish-gray. It is crushed so it isn't round stones. It has edges and corners. This is the type of stone that's used most often for driveways or parking lots. It is sold by the ton at approximately 1.5 tons per cubic yard.

This is how #57 stone can be used.

#57 Stone is often used as a drainage stone. # 57 stone can also be used as a drainage gravel. # 57 stone is also suitable for irrigation and use on gravel roads. #57 Stone is an aggregate made from natural durable materials.

How many tons of stone will I need? Length in inches x Width of feet x Depth (inches divided with 12). Divide the sum by 21.6 to get the amount of cubic feet contained in a tons. The estimated number of tons is the final figure.

Similarly, what is the difference in gravel and aggregate?

The difference between aggregate and gravel can be described as nouns. Gravel is (uncountable), small pieces of rock used as ballast and for laying on roads and railways. Aggregate is a mass, an assemblage or sum of particulars. It is composed of elements, but taken as a whole.

What sizes are there of gravel?

Gravel can be classified according to its particle size. This includes sizes from small granules to large chunks. The Udden-Wentworth scale classifies gravel into granular gravel (2-4 mm, 0.079 to 0.157in) and pebble gravel (4-6 mm, 0.2 to 2.5in).