Asked by: Conchin Autret
Asked in category: medical health, vaccines
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is the best way to interpret vaccine efficacy

Vaccine efficacy/effectiveness is interpreted as the proportionate reduction in disease among the vaccinated group. A VE of 90 indicates a 90% decrease in the incidence of disease among the vaccinated, or a 90% drop in the number of cases that you would expect to see if they had not been vaccinated.

What does "vaccine efficacy" mean?

Vaccine efficacy refers to the percentage of disease reduction in a vaccine-vaccinated population compared with an unvaccinated one. It is calculated using the best conditions. Greenwood and Yule calculated vaccine efficacy in 1915, for the cholera- and typhoid vaccinations.

What is protection efficacy? To determine vaccine protective effectiveness, investigators used both case-control and cohort designs.

What makes a vaccine work?

Your immune system reacts to vaccines in the same way as it would if the disease invaded it by producing antibodies. The antibodies kill the vaccine germs in the same way as the disease germs. They then stay in your body and give you immunity.

Do vaccines lose effectiveness?

There is no vaccine that is 100% effective. Some people may not be protected after vaccination, while others may experience waning protection. Some people may not be vaccinated because of certain conditions, such as immune suppression.