Asked by: Raidel Zacosk
Asked in category: medical health, dental health
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What particular instrument would you use to place the restorative material on the tray?

The most commonly used instrument on the dental tray is the examination instrument. These instruments allow the dentist or dental hygiene professional to thoroughly examine the patient's oral cavity. These instruments include the Briault probes, cotton forceps and explorers as well as straight probes, periodontal probe, periodontal probe, and straight probe.

What additional equipment can be used to harden the restorative material?

The extra piece of equipment that will use to harden the materials is a cure-light.

What dental tools are used to fill cavities? Restorative hand instruments for fillings include the amalgam carrier and burnisher, condensers as well as composite placement instruments. Carvers and Woodsen are also available.

  • An Amalgam Carrier is a device that carries an amount of amalgam into the prepared teeth.
  • Use a burnisher to smoothen the surface of an amalgam restoration that has just been placed.

What type of restorative material can be used for this particular tooth?

- Algam and Composite are options. The dentist can choose amalgam for strength or if esthetic considerations are important.

What are restorative substances?

Definition. Restorative dentistry materials are substances used to restore, replace, or improve a patient's smile. These materials can be made of metals, composite resins, or even plastics.