Asked by: Tiberio Evsyukov
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

How can you care for a Texas Lilac Tree?

Vitex thrives in full sun, in an area that drains well and has good drainage. It grows well in any area of Texas. This includes both alkaline and acid soils. It thrives in both hot and dry conditions. Texas Department of Transportation recognizes Vitex's toughness and places Vitex in highway medians.

How do you prune Texas lilac trees?

Texas Lilac Vitex* should be cut after each bloom cycle and cut back to ground every winter. If you live in an area where there is a lot of deer, they will rub their antlers on your Vitex to "prune" it to the ground or remind you to trim the damaged stems.

Do lilacs grow in Texas? Syringa laciniata is a cut-leaf species of lilac that is well-adapted to East Texas. It grows up to eight feet with small clusters full of fragrant lilac colored flowers. Lilacs prefer a well-drained, neutral-to-slightly-alkaline soil.

Do I need to deadhead the lilac trees?

However, deadheading lilacs seems to be beneficial only in the first few years. New lilac plants will begin to bloom within two to five year. Deadheading spent flowers can help the plant to set more buds while it is young.

What is the difference between a Lilac Bush and a Lilac Tree?

Shrub lilacs, and bush lilacs, are compact and short. Tree Lilacs can be more difficult. Tree Lilacs can reach 25 feet in height and look very tree like. However, because of their many stems they are often classified as bush. Although they aren't technically trees, they can grow large enough to be considered as such.