Asked by: Nederlands Barruso
Asked in category: family and relationships, eldercare, family and relationships, eldercare
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is the message of the play All My Sons?

All My Sons: Theme Analysis. The main theme of the Play is the conflict between selfinterest and the larger responsibility that people owe society. This conflict is mainly portrayed through the characters Joe, Chris, or the now-dead Larry.

You may also ask, "What is the story of all my boys?"

All My Sons is the story of Joe Keller. He is a middle-aged, successful man who did a horrible and tragic thing. He made his partner guilty of a crime and then he arranged his own release. His son is about marrying the daughter of his business partner.

You may also be asked, "Do you think all my boys is a suitable title for Miller’s play of that same name?" All My Sons is indeed appropriate to Miller's play of that name. The title refers 21 Air Pilots who were killed in war due to defective cylinder head that was fitted into the P -40. These men were flying over enemy territory during their Raids.

You might also wonder, "What is the significance of the title All My Sons?"

All My Sons gets its name from Joe Keller, the tragic character in the play. He feels guilty and decides to take his own life. Before he does, he quotes the words from his son Larry, who made penance for the deaths of twenty-one pilots.

How does Larry die in All My Sons?

Larry Keller, who was never seen in the play committed suicide in war after learning that his father and Steve had manufactured faulty parts, and that he had killed American soldiers.