Asked by: Abdoulie Stainl
Asked in category: food and drink, desserts and baking
Last Updated: 28th Jun 2024

What goes good with warm brie?

How to Serve Baked Brie-Desert set up
  • Baked Brie with honey.
  • Or, my warm keto ajama in strawberry or fig jam.
  • Pears thinly sliced.
  • A small ramekin containing salted nuts.
  • Grapes roasted
  • Peaches sliced or any other stone fruit.
  • Baguette slices, flatbread/keto bread lightly warmed.

Another question is: What do you eat with warm Brie?

Warm it up. Place a slice of baguette or crackers on top of the brie.

What crackers are best with Brie? What Crackers To Eat with Brie

  • Herb Crackers. Make homemade herb crackers with brie cheese
  • Melba. Melba crackers are brie-friendly because of their crunchy texture and neutral taste.
  • Sesame Crackers. Sesame crackers' nuttiness will pair well with brie cheese.
  • Multigrain. Serve brie cheese over multigrain crackers.

You might also be interested in how to heat brie cheese.

Pre-heat the oven to 350°F. Spread the brie on parchment paper covered sheets and drizzle honey over it. Bake the brie for 5 to 7 minutes or until it starts ooze, but not to melt. Serve with crackers.

What jam goes with Brie

The mild taste and rich mouthfeel of brie cheese is similar to goat cheese. It can be paired with almost any sweet or salty jam, just like goat cheese. If in doubt, choose red fruits. Brie and strawberry jam are a perennial favourite with champagne or not. Brie with cherry preserves is also a great option.