Asked by: Wilmer Haferlach
Asked in category: technology and computing, web design and html
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

How can you drill down in tableau?


Also, asked: How do I create actions within tableau?

Move from one view to the next, either in a dashboard or story (Create Tableau Desktop).

  1. From your dashboard, select Dashboard > Actions.
  2. Click Add Action in the Actions dialog box and then choose Go to Sheet.
  3. Select a name to perform the action.
  4. Select the view you want to initiate the action from the Source Sheets.

What formatted data is preferred by tableau? Tableau works best with denormalized, aggregated data sources. Tableau favors data from SQL views, TDEs, combined tables and SQL views over cube data. This means that you shouldn't have rows summarizing data from previous rows.

How can I modify the hierarchy of tableau?

You can drill down or up in a hierarchy using Tableau Desktop, or web authoring. To do this, click on the + or – icon in the hierarchy field. You have the option to click the +/- icon next the field label when editing or viewing the visualization online.

How can I create categories in tableau

Create an group from a field of the Data pane

  1. Right-click on a field in the Data pane and choose Create > Group.
  2. Select several members to be added to the Create Group dialog box and click Group.