Asked by: Idoia Urtasun
Asked in category: business and finance, mechanical and industrial engineering industry
Last Updated: 1st Jul 2024

How can I locate the model number of my boiler?

The serial number can be found on a sticker. If you look under the boiler's front panel, you will see a bar code. The serial number of older models will be located on the inside front panel or at the top of your boiler.

Similar questions are asked: How do I determine what type of boiler I have?


  1. Identifying features: A system boiler should have three copper pipes, while a combi boiler has five.
  2. Most commonly found in: Larger homes and larger properties that require hotwater from multiple outlets simultaneously.

How can I determine the age of my boiler? Visit the official industry database to find out how old your boiler actually is. Enter the boiler details and you will see when and where it was manufactured. This database allows you to search for all models and brands of boilers. You can also look at the serial number of your boiler.

You may also wonder: How do I find out what model Worcester boiler I have?

It is easiest to determine the age of your boiler by looking for its serial number. It is a long string of letters and digits found on the boiler's side or labeled on its drop-down panel.

What are the three types of boilers?

There are three types of gas boilers: Regular, System, and Combination.