Asked by: Nanci Luzunariz
Asked in category: medical health, brain and nervous system disorders
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

What does the association cortex do?

Overview. Overview.

Also, find out what the association cortex does.

The association cortex is the cerebral cortex that lies outside of the primary areas (Figure 1). It is necessary for complex mental functions, such as detecting basic dimensions of sensory stimulation. Primary sensory areas are not required for this function.

What is the difference between association and primary cortex? The function of cerebral cortex is localized. Certain parts of the cortex are specialized for particular functions. Primary = processing primary sensory and motor information. Secondary/Association = plans & integrates info for the primary area.

Considering this, what is the importance of brain association areas?

These association areas do not play a role in sensory or primary motor functions. They interpret, integrate, act upon and make decisions based on the information processed by the sensory . They play a role in higher mental functions such as memory, learning, speaking, and thinking.

What does the cerebral cortex do?

The cerebral cortex, which is the thin outer layer of the brain covering the cerebrum (1.5mm to 5) is called the cerebral cortex. The cerebrum, which is the brain's most developed area, is responsible for understanding, thinking, perceiving and producing language.