Asked by: Maysaa Mirasol
Asked in category: news and politics, war and conflicts
Last Updated: 30th Jun 2024

What does paragraph 4 mean by reprisal?

4a: The act or practice of international law that allows for the use of force without resort to war as a means of retaliation against damage or loss. A case of such an action. 5 obsolete : prize.

What does it mean to fear reprisal?

Retributions are a form of the word "retaliation". If you do something to someone in reprisal for doing something that they did, it is because they were violent or unfavorable to you. fear that Western hostages might be murdered in reprisal. Synonyms for reprisal: revenge, revenge, vengeance and retribution.

Also, find out what retaliation means. Retaliation can be described as an act of vengeance. Before you start retaliation against someone who has wronged you, think about whether they might have a ninja alter-ego and a stash of nunchucks. The Latin retaliare means apay back in type. This is the origin of the noun retaliation.

What is the synonym for reprisal?

reprisal. Synonyms: retaliation, retribution, self-compensation, self-indemnification. Antonyms: condonation, grace, remission, reprieve.

What is economic reprisal?

Pl n Any actions taken by a nation or group to harm the economy or group of other nations, often to force political change. economic zone.