Asked by: Polonio Manzi
Asked in category: real estate, real estate buying and selling
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

What does it mean to be a real estate sales representative?

Careers / Real Estate Sales Agents. Summary Description Clients can rent, buy or sell property. Assist clients on their property visits, including the following: interview potential clients, review property listings, visit property sites, negotiate terms and prepare real property contracts. Agents who represent buyers.

Consider this: What is the difference in a real-estate agent and a salesperson?

The education and experience required for real estate agents brokers is generally higher than that of real estate agents or salespersons. A real agent or saleperson is the person you usually deal with. A broker is required to license the salesperson.

What is the difference between a broker or a salesperson? Brokers and real estate salespeople work together to sell or buy homes. Their roles in the operation of a realty business are different. A broker is the owner of or managing agent for a brokerage. A salesperson, however, is an independent contractor.

What is a real-estate salesperson?

A real estate agent is a person who is employed by a broker to perform any one of the following services: selling, buying, listing real estate, leasing, renting any property, or participating in negotiations to rent, lease, or build any property.

What is the job of a real-estate agent?

A real estate agent assists clients in buying, renting, and selling properties. They provide advice on market conditions and walkthroughs to help clients navigate the buying, selling, leasing, and leasing process.