Asked by: Bladimir Lais
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, hinduism
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

Where is the original Bhagavad Gita?

Gita can be found in the 6TH volume known as The Book Of Vismaa.
You now know that Bhagwat Gita is part of Mahabharata.

This is the original Bhagavad Gita.

g?v?d EgiEt?E, -t?/; Sanskrit: ????? ??? ?, IAST: bhagavad-gA<, lit. "The Song of God", also known as the Gita, a 700-verse Sanskrit text that forms part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata (chapters 23, 40 of Bhishma Parva).

Bhagavad Gita
Author Vyasa
Language Sanskrit
Verses 700

Which was the first Bhagavad Gita, or Bible? The Bible has the oldest writings. The Gita was written first and the Qur'an was started and finished last. Undoubtedly, the Bhagvad Gita has the oldest writings.

This begs the question: Who wrote the Bhagavad Gita first?

Veda Vyasa

Is Bhagavad Gita available in English?

Bhagvad Gita in English New Edition Hardcover a 2019. The 700-verse Hindu scripture He Bhagavad Gita (often called the Gita) is part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata.