Asked by: Harm Frary
Asked in category: technology and computing, programming languages
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

What is the use of duck typing?

Duck typing. Computer programming uses duck typing. Normal typing determines suitability by the object's type.

What is duck typing in Python?

Duck typing refers to dynamic typing. The type or class of an object does not matter as much as the methods it defines. You don't need to check for types when you use ducktyping. Instead, you look for a method or an attribute.

It is also why it is called duck typing. It is used in dynamic languages without strong typing. It is a term that indicates that you don’t need a to invoke a method on an object. If a method has been defined on the object, you can invoke it. Its name is derived from the expression "If it looks like ducks and quacks like ducks, it's duck".

What is function duck typing, you ask?

Duck Typing allows you to program objects that are passed into functions or methods. It supports all the method signatures and attributes of an object expected at run-time. It is not essential that the object's type be known. The object should be able to support all methods and attributes that are called upon it.

An example of duck typing in Python is provided.

Duck Typing can be used in dynamic languages. For example, Python, Perl, Ruby, PHP, Javascript, etc. where the object's type or class is more important than its method. We don't check types with Duck Typing. Instead, we verify that a method or attribute is present.