Asked by: Jianhua Irurita
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, musical instruments
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

What is Cajon music?

Cajons are a box-shaped instrument that the percussionist uses to make sound. It measures approximately 18 inches in height and 12 inches in width. Although it may sound primitive, the cajon can produce amazing tones.

Also, asked: What is a Cajon made from?

Cajons are a box drum that is very simple. Usually made of plywood with a thin plywood playing surface (tappa). Peru is believed to be the origin of the cajon drum.

What is a cajon player? What is a cajon player?

Cajon is therefore easy to learn.

The cajon is an extremely practical instrument. It's lightweight, portable, and doesn't take up too much space. Also, it is easy to learn. After learning the basics of the snare (upper edge), and the bass sounds (middle), you can start to learn the simple rhythms.

What does Cajon translate to in English?

?n, Spanish KaExon) A Peruvian wooden drum that is played with the hands and used as a drum. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright A(c), HarperCollins Publishers. Word origin.