Asked by: Shanice Reigadas
Asked in category: real estate, houses, real estate, houses
Last Updated: 5th Jul 2024

What does a servant do in a castle's hall?

A small chapel would usually be kept in the castle for the sole use of the lord. Servants were the majority of people who lived in a castle. They did everything, from cleaning latrines to caring for horses to housekeeping. The great hall was a place where everyone, except the lord and his family, would have slept.

What number of servants would a castle need?

A English medieval castle had at least 50 employees. This could include cooks, maids, carpenters and masons, but not necessarily a large staff.

Did servants also live in the castle's walls? The daily tasks of life were performed by servants such as spinners, craftsmen and cooks. While servants slept in castles, the farm peasants who provided food for castle residents lived in cottages on the estate or manor.

Know the roles of a castle.

Officers & Servants at a Medieval Castle

  • Seneschal, Majordomo or Steward.
  • Constable - Horses. Grooms. Pages.
  • Marshal - Marshalsea. Military, arms, discipline, knights and squires. Men at arms.
  • Chamberlain - Chambers, valet de chambres.
  • Master of the Wardrobe: Clothing and other household items.

What were maids doing in the Middle Ages, you ask?

Their Masters could concentrate on more important matters, such as household maintenance. Multiple maids were essential for the management of large estates, palaces, and castles in the Middle Ages to the 19th century.