Asked by: Tamatha Iruretaeguia
Asked in category: automotive, auto parts
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

Can rubber hose be used to repair fuel lines

Rubber hose can seep fuel if it is exposed to rusty steel lines or has an uneven surface. The connection to the Hose will be stronger if you flare it. The more expensive fuel inject clamps are for you. As much as possible, replace the rusted areas with steel.

Rubber hose can be used for brake line.

Regular rubber line cannot be used with a brake system. First, clamps cannot withstand 100+ PSI, even with a rolled or barbed end. Brake fluid is not good for rubber hoses.

You should also know that vinyl tubing can be used as a fuel line. You cannot use regular vinyl tubing for gasoline or other hydrocarbons unless it is made specifically for that purpose.

Can I also run all rubber fuel lines

It can be used. It's not the most efficient way to fuel to your carb. I used rubber 3/8" fuel injector grade line to run from the frame to my fuel pump to the drivers side. Then, I went around the engine compartment to the drivers' side and then to the 6cyl's carb inlet.

How can you fix a rubber fuel line

Line Repair

  1. You can locate the leak in your rubber fuel line and repair it once the engine is turned off and the car has cooled.
  2. Use a screwdriver to loosen the clamps on both ends of rubber hose.
  3. Visit an auto parts shop and bring the rubber line & clamps.