Asked by: Salvadora Awdiewsky
Asked in category: science, chemistry, science, chemistry, science, chemistry, science, chemistry
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

What is the Pondweed Experiment?

This practical experiment measures the rate of photosynthesis by counting the bubbles that rise from the cut end a Cabomba pondweed. This method is more reliable than the Elodea pondweed.

Another question is: Why is pondweed being used in photosynthesis experiments

The carbon dioxide in pond weed is dissolved in its water. You can adjust the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide by adding sodium hydrogen carbonate to the water. Water used for photosynthesis is water already in the plant.

How can you measure photosynthesis rate in pondweeds? You can measure photosynthesis by measuring the production of oxygen Oxygen by counting the bubbles from pondweed or using the Audus apparatus for measuring the amount of gas that has evolved over time.

Similar question: What is the independent variable of the pondweed experiment, too?

Independent variable - The light intensity (how close to the sun is). Dependant variable- The number of oxygen bubbles released (the rate photosynthesis). Variables that can be controlled - the size and volume of the pondweed as well as the water it is boiled in, its temperature, and the water's temperature.

What does the light do to photosynthesis?

An aquatic organism can be used to study the effect of light intensity on photosynthesis. In water plants, investigation can show the effect of high lighting on photosynthesis. You can use Elodea or Cabomba which can be purchased in aquarium shops. Photosynthesis is a process in which plants release oxygen bubbles, which can be counted.