Asked by: Krasimir Wolfl
Asked in category: video gaming, exercise and fitness video games
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

What do you do for a warm up?

Warming up gradually increases your cardiovascular system's efficiency by increasing your body temperature and blood flow to your muscles. Warming up can also reduce muscle soreness, and decrease your chance of injury. After a workout, cool down to allow for gradual recovery of blood pressure and heart rate.

Many people also wonder how long a warm-up should last.

Five to 10 minutes

The next question is: What is a general warming up? Warm ups generally consist of increasing intensity of physical activity (a "pulse-raiser"), joint mobility exercises, stretching, and then the activity. Warm ups should be tailored to the activity to ensure that muscles are activated.

How should I prepare for a workout?


  1. Warm up for at least 10 min before starting your exercise session.
  2. Warm-up activities should be similar to your main activity, but with a lower intensity.
  3. Light cardio, on a treadmill or bicycle, for five to ten minutes will get your blood pumping in preparation for a weights session.

What happens when you don't warm up before exercising?

Warm-ups are important because they prepare your muscles for exercise. By not warming up, not just risk injury but get less out of your exercise. A good warm-up activates the stretch reflex which is an automatic response that your body gives when you lengthen a muscle.