Asked by: Rocio Altermann
Asked in category: news and politics, elections
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

Who decided the election of 1800?

"Democratic-Republican Thomas Jefferson defeated Federalist John Adams by a margin of seventy-three to sixty-five electoral votes in the presidential election of 1800. However, presidential electors failed to make a distinction between vice president and president when they cast their ballots.

Hence, the House of Representatives decided to vote 1800 in the election.

Tally of the Electoral Votes for 1800 Presidential Election. The Constitution didn't distinguish between Vice-President and President in the votes cast in each state by electors in Electoral College. Both Jefferson and Aaron Burr received 73 votes.

Another question that might be asked is "Why did John Adams lose 1800's election?" The 1800 election between John Adams, Thomas Jefferson was a hard-fought and emotional campaign. Both sides believed that the victory of the other would bring down the country. On the other side, the Democratic-Republicans denounced the strong centralization of federal power under Adams's presidency.

So, who was elected to the 1800 electoral college?


Presidential candidate Party Electoral vote
Thomas Jefferson Democratic-Republican 73
Aaron Burr Democratic-Republican 73
John Adams (incumbent) Federalist 65

This is also true for the election of 1800.

The election was won by the Federalists. Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr tied in the electoral college. The House of Representatives determined who would win the presidency.