Asked by: Ventsislav Zenger
Asked in category: medical health, mental health
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What is the righting reflex in motivational interviewing?

Righting Reflex. This is the common reaction to seeing a problem and wanting to fix it. Motivational Interviewing doesn't try to fix things. Counselors do not try to persuade or cajole clients, inform them, or prod them into changing their behavior.

Considering this, why is it important not to have a righting reflex?

If a supervisor does not follow their righting reflex, it stops a deeper conversation that can increase a staff member’s sense of autonomy and self-efficacy. Respect and professionalism are key to establishing good relationships with staff.

Also, learn what rule means in motivational interviewing. Refrain from the righting reflex

Similar, how can I stop my right reflex?

Avoid the reflex of righting yourself. Instead, reflect on the conversation and give a summary. Ask for clarification and emphasize any change talk that you have heard. It is the client's responsibility to find the solution.

What are the five principles of motivational interviewing

Five Principles for Motivational Interviewing

  • Reflective listening allows you to express empathy.
  • Identify discrepancies between client's goals and values and current behavior.
  • Avoid direct confrontation and argument.
  • Instead of attempting to thwart resistance from clients, you should adapt.
  • Encourage self-efficacy, optimism.