Asked by: Javad Kreine
Asked in category: technology and computing, databases
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What is CAP database?

The CAP Theorem states that a distributed database system cannot have more than two of the three: Consistency and Availability, Partition Tolerance, and Partition Tolerance. CAP Theorem is crucial in Big Data, particularly when we have to choose between the three depending on our particular use case.

Also, asked: What is the CAP Theorem example?

The CAP theorem simply states that a distributed system cannot guarantee C, A and P simultaneously. Instead, trade-offs need to be made at a time-in-time in order to attain the required level of performance or availability for a particular task. [A] Availability: Every request receives a response on whether it was successful or not.

Likewise, why is CAP true? The CAP theorem says that a distributed system can't simultaneously be consistent, accessible, and partition tolerant. This section will introduce a simple distributed system, and then explain what it means to have that system available, consistent, and part-tolerant.

What is the availability of CAP?

Availability in CAP refers to "All (nonfailing) nodes available for queries". It does NOT have anything to do with Wikipedia's link about "High availability". The PAXOS algorithm, for example, is CP (no Availability) because the minorities "shut down" during a partition.

What is the acid CAP Theorem

ACID is a set property that guarantees that a transaction in a database is reliable. CAP describes the theorem which explains how the laws of Physics dictate that distributed systems must make a compromise between desirable characteristics. These terms technically refer to two things.