Asked by: Shuangmei Zunzunegui
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

Why does my Worcester boiler lose pressure?

There are many reasons your combi boiler could be losing pressure. A leak in the pressure relief valve or an issue with the expansion vessel could cause pressure loss.

What is the reason my Worcester Bosch boiler keeps losing pressure?

You may experience constant pressure loss in your heating system. To determine the reason, you can try these steps: Make sure there is no water coming out of the pressure relief valve (sometimes called an overflow). The pipe runs from the boiler to an exterior wall, and ends outside.

What happens if the boiler is not under pressure? Your boiler pressure should not be below 1 bar. This could indicate that the boiler has lost water and needs to be repaired. You may need to bleed the radiator if your boiler's pressure gauge shows high pressure (above 2.75 bars).

Just like that, why is my central heating system losing its pressure?

A boiler's loss of pressure could be caused by wear or an underlying fault in either the boiler, or both. The expansion vessel or auto-air vent could be the source of the leak if the boiler is between 15 and 25 years old.

How can I increase the pressure in my boiler?

The filling loop is often located on the boiler's underside. To allow water to enter your heating system, open both valves. Keep an eye on your pressure gauge. When the pressure reaches 1.5 bars, close the valves. If necessary, switch on the boiler and reset your fault code.