Asked by: Fawaz Tourna
Asked in category: technology and computing, computer peripherals
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

What do the pins on a microbit serve?

25 gold strips are located at the bottom of your BBC microbit. These pins are called "pins". These pins let you get really creative. You can make circuits, connect motors to external devices and create your own projects.

This being said, what can a microbit detect?

Micro:bit can detect when you move your BBC micro-bit in a particular way (a gesture). micro can recognize the following gestures: up, down, left, right, face up, face down, freefall, 3g, 6g, 8g, and shake. Gestures are represented by strings.

What does an accelerometer on a microbit do? The micro:bit's accelerometer measures acceleration in milli-g in three planes: x, y and z. Accelerometers can detect acceleration as well as orientation. This is useful in tablets and smart phones to rotate content while tilting the device.

What are the different parts of a microbit?

BBC micro-bit features

  • Buttons.
  • LED display and light sensor
  • Pins - GPIO.
  • Pin - 3 Volt power
  • Pin - Ground.
  • Antennas for radio and Bluetooth.
  • Temperature sensor & Processor
  • Compass.

What outputs can a Micro have?

The following physical features are available for your micro:bit:

  • 25 individually-programmable LEDs.
  • 2 Programmable buttons
  • Pins for physical connection
  • Temperature and light sensors.
  • Motion sensors (accelerometer, compass)
  • Wireless Communication via Radio and Bluetooth
  • USB interface