Asked by: Laverna Schellentrager
Asked in category: books and literature, travel books
Last Updated: 9th Jul 2024

How did the Ottomans rule?

Over the centuries, the Ottoman Empire evolved a complex system of government. The Sultan was the supreme ruler and in control of the centralized government. This government had effective control over its provinces, officials, and residents. While wealth and rank can be inherited, they are just as easily earned.

What kind of government did Ottomans have?

Absolute monarchy Constitual monarchy Double monarchy

The question that follows is: What type of protection responsibilities did the Ottomans have, and what were they responsible for? In Ottoman political theory this was the principal task of the Sultan. He personally protected his subjects from excesses of government such as taxation that is too high and corruption by local officials. He was dependent on others, and thus subject to corruption, if he wasn't an absolute ruler.

How did the Ottoman Empire manage its diverse population, given all this?

The Ottoman Empire had a diverse ethnicity. This was due to people from different backgrounds living there. The diverse population was administered by the sultan, the government and millets. Millets were administrative units used to organize religious groups.

What was the challenge to Ottoman Timars power?

The prosperity of the Middle Eastern countries suffered as a result. Inflation caused by the increased trade imbalance between East and West and the influx of precious metals from the Americas to Europe disrupted the Ottoman economic. The traditional trades and industries were also affected by inflation.