Asked by: Eliene Platero
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 28th Apr 2024

How do I stop my Whirlpool refrigerator from rolling?

Take out the base grille. To lower or raise the side of your refrigerator, turn the leveler/brake feet. It might take several turns to get the foot to reach to floor. To lift the roll off to floor, it may take several turns. Turn the leveler to your right to raise.

People also ask: How can I stop my fridge from rolling?

To prevent the wheels from rolling, you can place a piece or a wedge of wood under the wheels. If necessary, level the refrigerator.

Are uneven wheels also easier to roll on? Large wheels vs. Big wheels vs. It is more difficult to move over a surface if the wheel is smaller than the wheel . A bike is easier than a toy car on the ground, for example.

You may also be curious about how to unlock a Whirlpool refrigerator.

To activate the Control Lock Feature, press and hold TO LOCK 3 seconds to lock your dispenser. To unlock your dispenser, press and hold TO LOCK again. The dispenser will display a message on the screen when it is locked.

Is it possible to remove the wheels from a fridge?

To turn the rollers located near the door hinge on the side of the refrigerator's front, use a socket wrench of a flat-blade driver. To lift or lower the refrigerator, raise the rollers.