Asked by: Nikita Valentinovitch
Asked in category: medical health, diabetes, medical health, diabetes
Last Updated: 9th Jul 2024

Can a diabetic take b12?

Vitamin B-12 is essential for healthy nerve system and healthy blood cells. Diabetes mellitus, for example, can increase your chances of developing a B-12 deficiency. This could be due to side effects of metformin, which is a common treatment for type 2.

Is Vitamin b12 able to affect blood sugar?

It is more likely you are low in iron, folate, and/or vitamin A12. If the red blood cell are old and A1c values show higher sugar levels than reality, insulin regimens may be incorrectly increased. This can lead to hypoglycemia.

You may also be interested in the best vitamin for diabetics. Supplements for Diabetes Treatment

  • Cinnamon.
  • Chromium. Chromium is an essential trace mineral.
  • Vitamin B-1. Vitamin B-1 is also known by the name thiamine.
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid. Alpha-lipoic Acid (ALA) is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Bitter Melon.
  • Green Tea
  • Resveratrol.
  • Magnesium.

Is vitamin b12 safe to be taken with metformin?

However, long-term metformin use can lead to vitamin B12 (cobalamin), deficiency. Metformin may cause vitamin B12 deficiency in up to one-third patients who are taking it. This can lead to a decrease in vitamin B12 absorption from their guts, which can eventually lead to a drop in blood levels.

Is it possible for diabetics to take vitamin B complex?

Possible side effects of B complex vitamins: High blood sugar. High doses of nicotinic Acid, a synthetic form of-3, may increase blood sugar levels. High doses of nicotinic acids (equal to 1,000 mg) should be avoided by people with diabetes.