Asked by: Tsvetoslav Uberwasser
Asked in category: business and finance, real estate industry
Last Updated: 9th Jul 2024

What are use and occupation fees?

1.3 The use-and-occupation provision allows the person who is still in occupation to temporarily stay at the property while they search for alternative accommodation. The person who is left in occupation must pay mesne profits, a property fee.

This being said, could I possibly take over my mother's council house?

If you do not have the right to inherit the tenancy, the council may ask you to leave. The council might offer you a new lease if you are the tenant's relative or carer.

Is it possible to create a tenancy by accepting rent? Periodic Tenancies: If a tenant remains after a fixed term ends and the landlord continues to take rent, this will create another 'periodic' tenancy. This will last from month to month or from week to weekly (or sometimes quarterly, depending on how much rent is paid).

Then, you might also wonder, "How long do I have to clear a Council house after my death?"

At the end of the notice period, you will need to empty the house of any deceased property and turn in the keys. The notice period is typically four weeks. However, you may need more time to speak with the landlord. Housing Executive and Housing Association homes may have a shorter time frame.

Can I add my son's name to my council tenancy?

You don't have to add another person to your tenancy to allow them to live with you. You own the home as long as it is paid for and no one can live there. Your landlord will need to know that you are moving in, but not your social housing landlords.