Asked by: Jonah Nocito
Asked in category: science, physics
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

What did Galileo do to disprove Aristotle's view of objects in motion?

Galileo's inclined plane experiment disproved Aristotle's long-held claim that falling objects had a certain "natural falling speed" proportional with their weight. Galileo found that speed increased exponentially, and weight did not matter as long as there was no air friction.

Aristotle and Galileo also viewed motion differently.

Aristotle believed in the void, but he thought that the universe was a continuum. Galileo improved the conceptof inertia. Galileo didn believe that the ball stopped moving because it wanted to remain in its natural state. According to the theory of inertia, an object that is inertia will keep its motion.

Second, what did Galileo have to say about motion? Galileo found that all bodies accelerate at the exact same speed regardless of size or mass. His most important investigations include: the development of Motion as a concept of velocity (speed) and direction through the use inclined planes. The idea of force was developed as a cause of motion.

Also, know what Galileo discovered about falling objects

Galileo's experiment proved that all objects fell at the same speed, which proves his prediction.

How did Galileo prove all objects fall at the exact same rate?

Galileo Galilei dropped objects from Pisa's leaning tower to show that all objects can fall at the same speed, regardless of their mass. This is perhaps the most famous scientific experiment. Galileo used inclined planes to slow down the acceleration so that it could be measured.