Asked by: Adonina Scharfhausen
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

What can I do instead of burning bush?

They're even better.
  1. Chokeberry is a Aronia. Chokeberry is my favourite alternative to burning bush, and in fact it's one of my favorite shrubs all around.
  2. Highbush Blueberry -- Vaccinium.
  3. Cornus - Dogwood
  4. Sweetspire a Itea
  5. Fragrant Sumac – Rhus.

What can you plant in a burned bush?

Planting burning bushes in spring-flowering trees like ornamental pears and crab apples is a good idea. The brilliant fall foliage will allow the burning bush to continue lighting up your garden in the fall when the leaves have fallen from the tree.

What is wrong with my burning bush? Pests and Diseases There are many diseases that can affect burning bush plants. These include cankers, fungal spot, and powdery mildew. Coral spot nectria is a fungal disease that causes discoloration, growths on bark, sapwood, and cambium, and eventually can lead to dieback.

Then, you might also wonder, "Where is the best place for a burning bush to be planted?"

The height of a burning bush plant can reach 9 to 15 feet. They are suitable for both full- and partial sun locations. Burning bush can grow in any soil, even alkaline. It is best to plant burning bush in areas with good drainage and lightly moist soil.

How can you put out a burning bush?

The branches of the burning bush should be cut to approximately 36 to 48 inches in length. Then tie the branches together with twine or rope. The branches can be cut into smaller pieces to use in the compost pile, or disposed of as yard waste.