Asked by: Dios Gherghel
Asked in category: medical health, cold and flu
Last Updated: 28th Jun 2024

What are the uses of Singulair?

Singulair can prevent asthma attacks from causing wheezing, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Singulair may also be used to reduce the severity of asthma attacks. It can also be used to treat symptoms such as hay fever, allergic rhinoitis, and other allergy symptoms like sneezing, stuffy, runny nose, and itchy eyes.

So, Singulair is a steroid?

SINGULAIR doesn't contain any steroid. SINGULAIR can be used for: Assist children and adults 12 months old and older with asthma.

Is Singulair able to make you sleepy? Possible psychiatric side effects include agitation, aggression, anxiety, depression and hallucinations. This has been reported by people of all ages who have taken Singleton. This can cause dizziness and drowsiness, and may affect one's ability drive and operate machinery.

Is Singulair also safe to take?

A: You can take Singulair with most other medications. To ensure Singulair is safe for you to take, discuss all your medications with your pharmacist.

Is Singulair an Antihistamine?

Singulair, unlike other antihistamines used to treat allergic rhinoitis (for instance Claritin and Allegra), is not an antihistamine. Singulair, on the other hand, blocks leukotrienes, which is a mediator of inflammation.