Asked by: Melita Lavall
Asked in category: style and fashion, bath and shower
Last Updated: 7th May 2024

What are the uses of a flex seal?

Flex Seal can be used almost on any surface, including wood, metal, tile and concrete, masonry or fabric. It won't sag in summer heat and won't crack in winter cold. It also prevents corrosion.

What does Flex Seal not adhere to?

Flex Seal can adhere to almost any surface, including wood, metal and tile, concrete, masonry. Fabric, glass, plastics, aluminum, porcelain. Dry wall, rubber, cement, vinyls, and many others. Flex Seal might not work with all plastics, vinyls or rubbers.

Flex Seal can also be used on cars. Flex Seal Family of Products can repair any type of vehicle, from trucks and ATVs to RVs and convertibles. These are just a few of the many Flex Seal products you can use on your vehicle or another vehicle.

Another question is: Is Flex Seal permanent?

A : Flex Seal Fluid has a shelf-life of 24 months if properly stored.

Is it possible to use the flex seal while it is still wet?

A: Flex SealA(r), can be applied to a wet surface or in a moist environment in an emergency. Flex SealA (r) will adhere better to a dry, clean surface. We recommend that you apply Flex SealA(r) again once the area has dried completely. This will ensure that it lasts.