Asked by: Carry Bettges
Asked in category: medical health, mental health, medical health, mental health
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

How do you get an emotional support animal in Oregon?

How to get an emotional support animal in Oregon
  1. To be considered an emotional support dog , you will need to have a ESA letter from a licensed mental health therapist in your state.
  2. To find out if you are eligible for an emotional support animal, take a free screening test.

Also, can a landlord refuse Oregon's emotional support animal Oregon?

The Fair Housing Act protects Oregon housing with an emotional support animal. No matter where you live, your support animal can live alongside you. Landlords can't deny you access to an emotional support pet or charge extra for it.

Aside from the above, is it possible to bring an emotional support animal into school? Students are not allowed to bring emotional support animals, therapy animals or companion animals to school. However, they may need to show proof that the service animal has received any vaccinations that are required by local or state laws.

You may also wonder, "How do you get an emotional support animal?"

Steps to obtaining an emotional support animal

  1. Consider whether you would be a good candidate for ESA support.
  2. Connect with a licensed professional in mental health through our network.
  3. If you don't have a pet, choose the type of animal you would like to adopt.
  4. To be a good citizen, train your ESA.
  5. Properly use your ESA Letter.

How do I obtain a companion letter?

A licensed mental health professional must sign a letter certifying that the animal is an emotional support animal. Psychologists, psychiatrists, licensed clinical social workers and psychiatric nurses are all licensed mental health professionals.