Asked by: Capitulina Sahelices
Asked in category: automotive, auto shows
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What does a crocus bulb look like?

The acormsa Crocus bulbs provide winter garden color. They are also known as acormsa.

Crocus is Crocus a bulb in this context?

Crocus bulbs are classified in taxonomy under the genus Crocus. These plants are often grouped together with other spring bulbs plants such as daffodil bulb for classification purposes. However, technically their underground tubers can be considered "corms". "

Second, to which family is the Crocus? The Iris family

What is another name for a Crocus?

Noun, plural croA*cusA*es. The bulb or flower of the crocus. A deep yellow, orangish yellow, and saffron. Also known as crocus martis (mahrtis)

What's the difference between crocus & saffron, you ask?

The difference between crocus (a noun) and saffron (a genus crocus) is that crocus can be grown perennially (of the 'Iridaceae family). Taxlink.