Asked by: Scarlett Lindemer
Asked in category: food and drink, food allergies
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What's the purpose of garlic Allium Complex

Product description
Powders and extracts of a variety allium vegetables, including garlic, onion and chive. Garlic phytonutrients help maintain healthy blood pressures and cholesterol levels. It supports healthy immune responses and normal cell renewal. Garlic breath is not caused by it!

What are the functions and uses of garlic Allium?

Garlic has been reported to be a remarkable medicinal plant. It is believed to have preventive properties in cardiovascular diseases, regulating sugar and cholesterol levels and effective against parasitic, viral and bacterial infections.

What does Allium Sativum actually mean? Allium sativum is also known as Clove Garlic and is part of the Lilliceae family. Allium sativum is named after the Latin "sativum" meaning "planted or cultivated".

Find out what allicin does for your body.

Allicin is a compound that is produced when garlic is chopped or crushed. It is available in dietary supplements form and has been shown to have antioxidant properties as well as reducing inflammation. Alliin is an amino acid found in fresh garlic. Alliinase is released when the clove is chopped or crushed.

What happens to allicin when stomach acid is present?

Allicin potency is measured by the amount of allicin that is produced. Allicin is not made from alliin if active allinase is absent.