Asked by: Joselyne Grall
Asked in category: business and finance, logistics
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Can you ship fruit in the mail?

Before you mail, please check the legal status in your area. Fresh Fruits and fresh meats or fish may not be mailable domestically. Check with your local Post Office to confirm. )

You should also know that you can send food by mail.

Perishable items refer to materials that are susceptible to deterioration in the mail. These include live animals, food and plants. Perishable items that are not allowed to be sent by mailers are at their own risk. These items should be carefully packaged and shipped so they arrive before they start to deteriorate.

How do you mail perishable foods? These guidelines are for perishable foods that can be prepared at home and sent by mail:

  1. Send it in a sturdy container
  2. Use a cold source of heat, such as dry ice or frozen gel packs, when packing.
  3. Dry ice is:
  4. Wrap the box in brown paper on two sides.
  5. Label the outside of the box with permanent markers

What can't be shipped by UPS?

UPS Alcoholic Beverages allows you to ship prohibited items on a contract basis. Non-domesticated animal products (e.g. mother of pearl inlay or snakeskin watch band) Articles of unusual/high value. Exempt animal or human specimens.

Can you mail liquids?

If sealed in a waterproof container, nonflammable and nonhazardous liquids can be sent by mail. The outer container should be marked as containing liquid so that postal staff can see the contents. Do not send liquids sealed only with a push-down or friction-top seal. This seal is commonly found in paint cans.